Attempts at Mundane Prediction — 5

3 min readJul 10, 2020

Jai Sri Lakshmi Narayana

Jai Sri Lakshmi Nrisimha

Sri Ramajayam

Case Study

Analysis of breakup of the erstwhile Soviet Union (USSR) using Jyotisha

The above is the birth chart of USSR. (7th Nov 1917, 10:00 am, Leningrad, Soviet Union/Russia)

The thing that stands out in the chart is that the 9th Lord (in this case, Moon) which represents a country’s dharma is with Saturn. Saturn in Vedic astrology is the karaka of (represents) the working class/masses. This shows that the country’s dharma/belief system/ideology will have something to do with workers. This manifested as Leninist and later Stalinist socialism. The issue here is that Saturn is a malefic planet for this chart. This helps us to infer that the ideology that was chosen by the USSR was not good for it and in the end it turned out that way.

The other notable thing here is that Sun, who is the karaka for the ruler is sitting in the 12th house of loss in close conjunction with 8th lord Mercury. 8th house is considered to be the most inauspicious house in a horoscope. It relates to secrecy, uncertainty, sudden events and obstacles. All of these characteristics were seen in the manner in which the USSR was ruled. Also Mercury is the planet of communication, which shows that the Government (Sun) relied heavily on propaganda as a way of administration. This was a fact that can still be seen with another communist country, China that also relies heavily on propaganda (China has an exalted, retrograde Mercury).

The reason why the USSR became an arms superpower is that Mars who is the 6th lord of conflict is sitting in the 10th house of Karma (Work/Occupation). Russia to this day remains a major exporter of Arms and Ammunition (Mars). (This shows that Poorva Janma Karmas do get carried over and show their effects in subsequent lifetimes).

Reason for the breakup of the Soviet Union

The Soviet Union broke up on the 26th of December, 1991, a day after Christmas. (A pretty ironical fact that it ceased to exist a day after Christmas as before the formation of USSR, Imperial Russia was a devout Orthodox Christian Empire).

The dasha running during this time was of Jupiter/Saturn/Saturn/Jupiter/Moon (25/12/1990–27/12/1990)

Jupiter is in the star of Moon. Moon as we know is associated with the Malefic Saturn. Hence the Maha Dasha Level is Bad.

The next 2 Dasha levels i.e. Antar Dasha and Pratyantara Dasha are ruled by Saturn. Saturn is in the nakshatra of Mercury. Hence he gives Mercury’s results as well as his own results. Both of them are bad for this Jataka. Hence these levels are bad as well. Mercury is especially bad as it is placed in the 12th house of Moksha or death.

The Sookshma Dasha lord is Jupiter who is in the star of Moon who is again associated with Malefic Saturn. This level is also bad.

The Prana Dasha lord is Moon who is in the star of Mercury. As we know Moon will give the results of the 12th house Mercury (Moksha).

As seen above, it can be seen that all the periods were working towards more or less the same theme “Moksha” or death.

Hence the country ceased to exist during the 2 day window.

Jai Sri Nrisimha

